Proclaim the WORD. Transform Lives.
Youth Camp 2022

Youth Camp 2022

DATE: 6th-9th July 2022

LOCATION: Castledaly Manor Camp & Conference Centre (click here)

Dear Parents,

May the peace of Christ be with you!

We would like to invite your child/children to the Youth Camp 2022. It is an experience which will give your child the opportunity to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and build Christian friendships with other youths and young adults. This will be achieved through a program consisting of talks by invited speakers and sharings by fellow youths and young adults as well as fun-filled activities utilizing the talents and skills of the participants.

The camp is scheduled on 6th to 9th July 2022 to be held at Castledaly Manor, located at Castledaly, Moate, Co. Westmeath.

Early bird rate until 5th June is €90. After this date, the camp fee is €100 (reduced from €110, we thank God for the Missions Lunch Team who will cover the €10 for the camp shirt) and will cover food and accommodation. Deadline of payment is 26th June.

Payments can be made through Revolut (0833807307 Bro. William) or Bank Transfer BOI (IBAN IE86BOFI 901204 48701746 Sis. Rose) or by Cash after the Sunday Service.

The success of this program largely depends on your involvement as parents or guardians of the youths, our future generation. We look forward to see you and your youth(s) at the camp. Thank you and God bless!

Yours in Christ,

Youth Ministry

The long-awaited youth camp is finally here! Please register thru the form below. For details, please contact Bro. William Bagunu or Bro. Dennis Duka.