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Category: <span>Website Q & A</span>

Category: Website Q & A

Our Website in Filipino, Irish, Hebrew and German – No More Language Barriers!

DO you know that you may now view and browse through our website in any language in the World? If you like to view in Filipino simply go to the bottom of the website page and look for the “Translate” function and select a language. Automatically, everything written down in …

Attention iPhone Users 2:Promote our Website by “Like”ing it to Facebook

AN enhancement on the WPTouch feature in our website is the capability to “Like” a post in the website through our website’s Mobile Theme view of WPTouch. Let you be the first to “Like” a post in our website and automatically post it in your Facebook Profile.Help promote our website …

Attention iPhone Users: Browse our Website with a Twist!

WE have installed a new WORDPress Plug-in application called WPTouch which allows browing our website through iPhones Safari browser using new format called “Mobile Theme” which allows you to change your website browsing experience. How do I activate WPTouch? Refer to Images below: Just click on the On button below and the …