WIN Ireland is part of Word International Ministries (WIN) – an international church with about 200 churches around the world ( As a local church, we are a family of diverse people whose lives have been transformed by the love of God.
Our Mission
To proclaim the WORD to all nations and make Christ-committed followers; equipped and empowered to transform lives and communities for the glory of God.
Our Vision
We are an international community of churches bound as one by a covenant to evangelize the world and fulfill the Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love that flows from His Son Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the believers.
Through this ministry we build communities of families where lives, regardless of their origin or status, are drawn and transformed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ, and to shine like stars in a dark world for the glory of God.
For this we lay our lives, for this we bear the torch that lights a path for the generations to follow until our Lord Jesus comes.
Our Slogan
Proclaim the WORD. Transform lives.
Our Philosophy
We are an international community of churches bound as one by a covenant to evangelize the world and fulfill the Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love that flows from His Son Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the believers.
Through this ministry we build communities of families where lives, regardless of their origin or status, are drawn and transformed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ, and to shine like stars in a dark world for the glory of God.
For this we lay our lives, for this we bear the torch that lights a path for the generations to follow until our Lord Jesus comes.
– Fear and love of the Lord
– Lordship of Jesus
– Prayer
– Empowerment of Holy Spirit
– Integrity
– Simplicity
– Discipline
– Gratitude and generosity
– Unity
– Forgiveness and reconciliation
– Servanthood
– Diversity
– Proclamation of God’s love
– Compassion for the needy
– Respect for everyone
– Justice
What W.O.R.D. means
WORSHIP: We are committed to worship God, to love and serve Him with all our heart and soul and strength.
Reference verses: Luke 10:27; Deuteronomy 30:6; Joshua 22:5
OUTREACH: We are committed to go into all the nations proclaiming, persuading and teaching the gospel of peace and salvation, which has come through the inauguration of the Kingdom of God in the life and deeds of His Son Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Reference verses: John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5: 18-20.
RELATIONSHIP: We are committed to building a community of faithful followers of Christ bound by their love and service to God and towards one another. And through the abounding grace of God, unites in fulfilling His call to serve, bringing hope to the needy and the hopeless.
Reference verses: Ephesians 4: 1-5; John 13:34; John 17:22-23; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
DISCIPLESHIP: We are committed to the mandate to raise followers of our Lord Jesus Christ as the testimony to the world that the Kingdom of God and His Son has come!
Reference verses: Matthew 28:18-20; Galatians 4:19
W Worship is Highest Priority
I Integrated Families in Cell Groups
N Needs are Met in Love & Prayed For
I Interdependence of Peoples & Gifts
R Relationships First Before Ministry
E Every Member a Minister
L Leadership Integrity & Accountability
A Applicable and Relevant Sermons
N Next Generation Church
D Driven by Purpose for God’s Glory!