Proclaim the WORD. Transform Lives.
2011 Annual Members’ Census via ChurchTRACK Completed

2011 Annual Members’ Census via ChurchTRACK Completed

LAST February, The Relationship Department conducted 3 consecutive Sundays (including one Sunday from Monaghan) to conduct its yearly Member’s Census. What’s different with this year’s activity is that the creation and updates of church members’ information is done straight into the church membership database called “ChurchTRACK”. During previous years, the church had to issue paper membership datasheets which needs to be filled up by every member and submitted after several weeks. Problems arose when members didn’t return the forms and the records are not electronically maintained. When ministries require some information – members’s data are not accurate and no reports are generated.

ChurchTRACK was obtained over a year ago by WIN Ireland to maintain electronic records our members information in order to keep records available all the time and up to date for ministerial use. According to Bro Ian Ramirez, “the ChurchTRACK system is a very simple, affordable, secure and effiecient membership database system that will be very helpful to WIN Ireland in keeping members records accurate and ministerial activities available on demand”. Its trully a very helpful tool to provide Ministries across the church information as to what members’ data, given certain age groups, care groups the ministries they are involved in.

Other than being membership database system, ChurchTRAK also provides the following feartures:

1. Generating Reports which can be configured and downloaded
2. Sending Welcome Letters direct from the System
3. Calendar and Scheduling
4. Attendance Tracking for Sunday Services and other Church Events
5. Accounting and Budgetting Systems
6. Contributions and Tithe Recording
7. Data Sharing among selected members/ church leaders

Next time we greet members’ who are celebrating birthdays or anniversaries, we will not make a mistake. When members’ information is available, correct and up to date in ChurchTRACK, everyone will be tracked properly and no birthdays or anniversaries will be missed.